
Let's get to know each other better

The greatest value of our company is the experts and their broad competence, and the most important task we set for ourselves is to help you develop your business. We know how to do it, because since 2009 we have completed over 200 projects in Poland and abroad, and our team consists of specialists in SAP systems and process automation.

We are a SAP Gold Partner. Our cooperation dates back to 2009.

We were in charge of the first implementations of SAP S/4HANA in the Polish market.

We have experts on our team with over 20 years of experience.

We are a member of the IPOPEMA group, which also includes the companies IPOPEMA Securities, TFI, and Financial Advisory.

We are happy winners of the following awards and the awards of our clients

"Forbes Diamonds"

We are the winner of the “Forbes Diamonds 2019” award in the category of businesses with revenue of PLN 5-50 million. The Bisnode Poland’s ranking is based on such data as the value of a company’s assets and its profits in the last three years of its business activity.


SAP Special Award

SAP Poland gave us the Special Award for the first S/4 projects in the domestic market in 2017. We received the award during the SAP Kick Off Executive Meeting.


Kross and SAP Innovation Award

We have also implemented SAP S/4HANA solutions at Kross. The Europe’s leading bicycle manufacturer received the SAP Innovation Award for this at the 2019 SAP NOW Gala.


“100 Women in Business”

Eliza Łoś-Strychowska, the President of IBC, won an award in the “100 Women in Business 2017” ranking (“Puls Biznesu,” Bisnode Poland). She was among the 10 most enterprising women in the category of companies with revenue of up to 50 million PLN.


“Business Gazelles”

In 2018, 2019, and 2020 we were among the most dynamic Polish companies according to the “Puls Biznesu” daily newspaper. The “Business Gazelle” title is awarded on the basis of several criteria, including financial results.


Inter Europol and SAP Innovation Award

Together with Inter Europol, a national leader in the baking industry, in 2017 we launched the first SAP S/4HANA implementation in Poland, for which the company received an award at the 2018 SAP Innovation Awards gala.


Reliable partners

We are a SAP Gold Partner, a leader in the integrated business software business. The Polish branch of this international company (founded in 1972 in Germany) has been helping Polish companies in the technological revolution since 1995. More than 1.5 thousand Polish clients have already taken advantage of SAP solutions.


BearingPoint is one of the largest consulting companies in the world and employs 3.2 thousand consultants and specialists in Europe alone. Our partnership began in 2011 with the Alliance Partner Agreement. Our cooperation involves an exchange of knowledge and experience and taking advantage of new market opportunities.

Since 2009 we have been a partner of KOFAX (former READSOFT and LEXMARK). KOFAX is a global leader in document scanning and OCR, business process automation (workflow), robotic process automation, and electronic signature. Our experience related to the tools offered by KOFAX was confirmed by winning the status of Platinum Partner.

In 2019 we became a member of the Business Centre Club, a business organization founded in 1991. BCC brings together reliable companies that observe the principles of merchant ethics and accept an honor code.

We began working together in 2018. Our partner is the main supplier of the Linux operating system for SAP. SUSE has 25 years of experience in engineering solutions, providing service. and developing a global ecosystem of partners.

Now find out more about our offer

SAP solutions

SAP support services

Process automation